Author: Lori Noltner

Home / Articles posted by Lori Noltner

Please join us for a Lenten Soup Supper on Wednesday March 19th.

This event will be located in Kotz Hall and will be held from 4:30pm until 6:00pm. You are welcome to attend 6:30pm Mass after the event!

The cost of the event is an in kind donation to Regina Coeli Charities.

If you have any questions please call the parish office at 419-476-0922 x 101

Please join Father Jim during February and March to view a video series about Bible Characters on Mission by Steve Ray.

This begins on Wednesday, February 5th at 11am in the Regina Coeli office building and Thursday, February 6th at 11am in the St. John the Baptist modular.

We hope to see you there as we become more aware of God working in our lives!

Please call the parish office with any questions at 419-476-0922

Regina Coeli Fish Fry Volunteers and Donations Needed

We are graciously accepting drink and dessert donations on Thursdays from 6-8pm or Fridays after school in the school kitchen.

Also, we could use volunteers please!

If you are unable to volunteer, but would like to make a monetary donation, it would be greatly appreciated. Just make your check payable to Holy Name Society and drop it off in the collection basket, the parish office, or school office. 

Thank you for your continued support of our Fish Fry.

Contact Russ Musil at 419-509-5410 for more information.